Monday, January 28, 2013

Why AdMob is #1 in Monetizing

It speaks for itself... It saves so much time in messing with integrating multiple ad networks sdks into your app. You just have to add the jar and that's it. Then you can screw with the settings and ad networks later once your app is already on the market, as you start to see results. It's easier to sort through the pieces and find good ad networks. AdMob is definitely an indie's #1 priority in monetizing. The only tough part is...  you can have several different size banners, which means you need multiple layouts... but... you should have multiple layouts anyway... right?!? Haha. That was a joke. It's hard for 1 person to run a business... all that being said... here are the screenshots from admob.... I stated earlier... it speaks for itself.

P.S. - You can also spread your audience with AdMob house ads. Check it out for yourself in the admob dashboard.

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