Sunday, September 9, 2012

5 Reasons To Use AppLift

If you haven't heard of it yet, where have you been? Everyone knows about AppBrain by now right? How could you not? Well, if you haven't go check it out now, otherwise continue reading. So, I'm assuming we've all heard of AppBrain at this point, but what you might not know, or maybe you just don't know that much about it yet, is the AppLift SDK. The AppLift SDK is an amazingly powerful set of tools for your android apps. Here's why:

#1. Track your downloadsTrack your downloads across all markets, stores, even fileshares, personal websites, you name it; all in one place. Once you have integrated the AppLift SDK, which requires merely importing the .jar file, adding it to your build path, adding an activity and a few permissions and slapping in one measly command in your java file and your all set; then you can track all of your downloads on 50 different markets (or however many you're on) without having to go from website to website, dashboard to dashboard, logging in over, and over, just to check your stats... and then try to do what? Write them all down and add them all up? Are you freakin' kidding me? No way! AppBrain is essential to keeping track of your download progress and so, so easy to integrate. Get it.

#2. Monetize your appThere are many ways to monetize your app now, one of them being AppLift. Their interstitials, I'd say, beat their banners for sure, however their banners can be integrated with AdMob which, of course, is always a plus. One of the great things about their ads is also that they have a nice selection of apps for users to choose from, many of them being pretty decent games. Putting their interstitials in your game at various intervals has proven to be the best way to get revenue for me so far.

#3. Use remote settingsThis should probably be #2 on my list, but I haven't really used this feature to it's full potential, yet. AppBrain's remote settings feature allows you to set values as strings in your developer dashboard and retrieve them for use in your app. This is such a fantastic feature they offer and so easy to use. You can set custom messages that you can change daily in your dashboard on all your apps across all markets without even releasing an update. There are, literally, thousands of ways you could make use of this feature. This one is definitely worth getting.

#4. View detailed statisticsThe charts for AppBrain's reports are awesome. There are graphs of daily downloads for each game. They also have ad reports and stats. Another thing hey show is your active users for the day and the percentage increased (or decreased) from the week prior. It's great to see how many downloads you get on each app, each day, along with the number of active users. It also shows total installs for the day among all apps and total revenue from AppBrain. Basically, the statistics in the AppBrain dashboard are more detailed than any others I've seen.

#5. Integrate with AdMobI know I already said this earlier, but this deserves to have it's own section on the top 5 reasons to use AppLift. You can show AppBrain banners using AdMob, including them in your rotation of regular banners. Integrating with AdMob is everything. Seriously, if you are using one ad network for banners, you're doing it wrong; get AdMob and throw in several different ad networks. That way you get better rotation and better variety. The best part is, you can just watch how your apps are doing and adjust AdMob accordingly. Thus, you can make adjustments to your app without releasing updates. AdMob is another great thing. Maybe I should write the top 5 reasons to use AdMob. Anyway, I'll leave it at that. Get AppBrain AppLift SDK.

Get it here::

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