Saturday, May 25, 2013

Promoting your Android App Part 3

Okay, this is one of the greatest tools for promoting ANYTHING! If you haven't checked out IFTTT, then you have got to check it out right now!

It's Been a Long Time

Hello everyone! I know it's been a very long time since I have posted anything. The truth is, Android development has kind of come to a halt for me at this point. I am very knowledgeable and would still like to continue making apps but I have found it's a very underpaid job. It is extremely difficult to make any significant amount of money on Android apps. That's why I made this blog, in hopes that it would help others who are struggling to make it in the app business. The hardest part is that over 75% of the money made on apps is from Apple but the Android market is by far the largest app market in the world. Android is mostly all free though. I have come to find that the best way to make money is from ads (or in-app purchasing) but I haven't tried that yet. Ads are the number one way people make money off Android apps though. There is no doubt in my mind. When you play an app half the time you click on annoying ads by accident but who the hell forks over the cash for in-app purchases? Probably about the same amount of people willing to fork over money for an app in the first place (which isn't very many people when you are dealing with Android.) I have always hoped that someday I could make Android development a success. I have no start-up money and nobody to help me create the apps. It is simply me, trying to make a little bit of money on the side. It's hard to do without resources. That's why I am hoping some of the resources listed in my previous posts will help others out in making their dreams come true. I also hope that people will want to return the favor and help me out in return. Please leave any comments about any great knowledge in the app business. I don't do iOS. That shit's way too expensive. Android only! Please comment, make suggestions, leave tips, etc. I also have an idea to turn this blog into an app. Does anyone think that would be helpful in any way? If so, I will probably do it. If not, it's not worth my time. I know people are reading this blog but this blog doesn't make me a dime even with ads. I honestly don't even know if the ads are worth it on here. AdSense is not very lucrative. I am making much more off my apps and even that is an extremely tiny amount. I know you all need help with getting started in this business and I'm still learning as well. Please keep that in mind and try to leave helpful suggestions for me and other readers of this blog. Thank you. Have a wonderful night!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Nexus 7 Developer Options

Here's how to unlock the developer options on the Google Nexus 7. You simply go to settings --> about phone --> and then click on build number like 7 times. Here's a link to a video. Unlock Nexus 7 Developer Options

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Just got android nexus 7!

Despite the fact that I'm still living at the motel, I just got my nexus7 in the mail! I am hoping this will allow me to learn much more about making android apps and improve my apps from a developer's perspective. Well that's about the just of it. I gtg give my wife a ride to work right now. Please click on some ads. I definitely need some revenue. So far, I am not making much money, but I hope with time more will come. I also put a lot of effort into trying to help others. Have a great night everyone!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

So... I'm Living in a motel...

So, I'm living in a motel right now and it's just this sketchy little place where everything is crap. There is a positive side, however, the internet works better here then it did at our old apartment. The worst news is... We got screwed by our landlord and now I have to wait until Monday to get some more money. I scrapped a car for $250 and that's coming through on Monday. I'm also waiting for some checks in the mail, direct deposits, etc.... I have plenty of money coming... but right now I'm in the gutter. I just moved all my shit to a MOTEL, not a hotel, a freaking motel.... and I agreed to no maid and it's all dirty and stuff.... but it does have a mini fridge, microwave, and table with two chairs. There are also two beds... One twin and one double.... That would be great, except right now my kids are taking up all those beds, which is probably why  I am sitting here posting about my boring life on Android Developers Blog. I also waste a bunch  of time on the Poke My Gummy Blog. I don't know why I do either one of them sometimes, but then I realize it's because I have to. I want to help other people like me who aspire to become an Android Developer. And, of course, the Poke My Gummy Blog is just a way of advertising some of my apps and then I wrote a bunch of crap on there, sort of, as well... to see if it would get any results and so far it's got like 2,000 hits, but that's not very much... I can't make a dime off that probably. Same for this blog. Anyway, my 'wife' finally came and took the girls off the big bed and left my son here, which is fine with me. Now I can go lay in the big bed and sleep. I'm sorry... I can't fall asleep knowing someone's coming #1. #2 I can't fall asleep with the kids awake because I'm worried about what they'll do if I do fall asleep before them. And there's definitely a number #3 but I'm not even going to go there. I'm tired as a mother f'er. Alright, good night everyone. Oh yea, I have to make sure this shit is only for 18 years or older (haha yea right) like 7 year olds don't know how to run computers anyway... some of them do. My son doesn't, because I don't let him touch that shit. No way in hell am I going to let him fuck up my computer. You know that's what kids do to your computers right people? Seriously, people need to listen to me. This shit's true. I've experienced it since I was like 7 years old myself. I broke a computer or two... then I became a computer master. Now I am a computer guru. I am not, yet, however, a Doctor of Computer Science. I have my A.A.S. in Computer Science and Network Technology. I've gone way beyond the stuff we did in school though. Clearly, I have these two blogs and I started my own app business. Anyway, I'm going to sleep, goodnight everyone. I know I've been rambling on forever. I'm out. Later.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Anddev RebelMouse Front Page

Check out our new RebelMouse page!

Check it out at

Put the Internet to Work For You with IFTTT

Check out IFTTT (If this, then that). Here is a screenshot of some of my recipes. Basically, I post to this blog and it goes everywhere. That's the idea anyway. Put the internet to work for you. It's almost too easy!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Why AdMob is #1 in Monetizing

It speaks for itself... It saves so much time in messing with integrating multiple ad networks sdks into your app. You just have to add the jar and that's it. Then you can screw with the settings and ad networks later once your app is already on the market, as you start to see results. It's easier to sort through the pieces and find good ad networks. AdMob is definitely an indie's #1 priority in monetizing. The only tough part is...  you can have several different size banners, which means you need multiple layouts... but... you should have multiple layouts anyway... right?!? Haha. That was a joke. It's hard for 1 person to run a business... all that being said... here are the screenshots from admob.... I stated earlier... it speaks for itself.

P.S. - You can also spread your audience with AdMob house ads. Check it out for yourself in the admob dashboard.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Gummy Pop Full Version for Free

Title: Gummy Pop

New Price: Free

Bubble pop with gummy bears!!! Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop the gummy bears!!! Popping gummy bears is so much fun!! Six levels of bubble pop action with three modes of pop, poppin' fun!! Also including kids mode for easy bubble pop, poppin' and freeplay for infinite gummy bear pop, pop, pop, pop, poppin' excitement!!! Never have you seen a bubble pop game like this!!!


Download from Google Play Store.

Go Free or Go Home (Android)

        I have decided that when it comes to Android, it's an easy decision whether to go free or paid. Free is the only way to go. Paid isn't even an option. There are way too many free apps already and most of them are already tough competetitors. Nobody who uses Android wants to PAY for an app. Android users want apps for FREE. I understand why most Android users feel this way, looking at it from my consumer's perspective, myself. I would like to get myself a Google Nexus 7. My wife has a Galaxy Tab 2 (7") and I also have a (half-broken) Galaxy Tab 32gb (10.1"). My point is, as users of Android ourselves we have really noticed that free apps are the only apps we look for. Paid apps sounds ridiculous on Android. There are so many free websites with app stores that you can promote your free apps on. For a list of app sites/stores that you can distribute your free Android apps on, see my post. The Biggest List of Android Markets/Stores. Check it out. It's pertinent information if you are a self-employed app developer. In light of the "free apps movement", as I'm going to call it, I am making all of my apps free. I will post them with icons and screenshots in my next post. However, keep in mind, we are still working to make better icons and get better screenshots. In the meantime... just play free games! That's what it's all about right?! Free entertainment!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Guide the the App Galaxy

I just found this and thought it was neat. It was mostly common sense to me but it does have some useful information. Check it out.

Here are some screenshots:

Happy New Year!

Just want to say Happy New Year to everyone since I wasn't around during that time. Hope all your resolutions come true.

Good luck on your app distribution/development in 2013 everyone! Hopefully we'll see some huge advances in technology this year! I'm certain we will!

New Co-Author for Blog!

Yay! I'm so excited to announce we have another developer who is becoming a co-author to this blog! Her e-mail address is and she is my wife! Her name is Roxanna Nelson, but you can call her Roxy! Welcome to the team Roxy and thank you so much for participating in authoring this blog!

This is our logo that Roxy made her first semester in graphic design. She is excellent with art. Thank you Roxy! And everyone get excited! Because 2 authors are better than one! Haha.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The New Apptimizer Tool From AppBrain

This is a screenshot of the Apptimizer tool from AppBrain. I have to go. Check out for more info.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sorry... I've Been So Busy

With the holidays and everything I haven't had much time to contribute to this blog. I've been having some health issues as well. I have even been missing #appdevchat on Thursdays. I just thought I'd get on here though since I finally got everything taken care of for the holidays and family, etc. and I wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here and still plan on keeping this blog up to date. I have tons of incredible information about Android development and I am happy to share as much of it as I can with anyone who cares to take interest in it. Anyway, I don't have a whole lot of time right now but I would like to mention a few very important things that have taken place very recently. First off, TapForTap redesigned their entire company and it is definitely for the best. There are so many more features than there were prior to this latest update with their new SDK. Also, AppBrain is the fucking shit dude. If you don't think using AppBrain to work with your apps in, at least, one way or another, then you're probably not very intelligent. AppBrain has incredible features... and so many of them. Which leads me to my next point... Apptimizer. It's the greatest thing to happen for SEO since google invented Google WebMaster Tools. Except, in my opinion, Apptimizer owns Webmaster Tools because Android is the future and we all know that which is why you are here reading this developer's blog. I tell you what, you can do anything if you set your mind to it... all I've got is an Associate's degree in Computer Science and Network Technology... and I figured out how to build my own business. I have started building the foundation of the empire. I just have to finish the rest....

Happy Holidays everyone!